Supporting you at work

Help yourself with our advice

Adjusting the settings of your computer

You may be helped by adjusting one or many of the settings on your computer. For example, did you know if you are left handed you can alter the way your mouse works to make it easier for you to operate? Screen colors can be changed, text sizes increased, contrast altered and much, much more. Check out our handy device adjustments guide to explore how you can alter the system to suit your needs.

Dyslexia at Work

Do you find reading and writing a greater challenge for you than others? It could be that you have Dyslexia. Around 1 in 10 people are known to have Dyslexia, but many more remain undiagnosed. You can visit the link here to learn more about Dyslexia and its potential impact on you at Work. There are also lots of resources available to you if you think it could be something you need to investigate further.

If you are Dyslexic you can visit the Clear Settings page to learn how to alter your computer to make it easier to use.


Hearing Loss

If you think your hearing may be impaired in someway, there are a number of ways to test it - including apps for your phone that will indicate whether your hearing is lower than expected for a person of your age. Some will also produce an audiogram for you to show to an audiologist or use to customize the EQ of your headphones or earbuds. If the test indicates that you may need a more formal assessment and that hearing loss may have an impact on your ability to perform in your role, you should contact your Occupational Health team or your line manager.

You may also want to check out The Ultimate Guide to Hearing Loss by Best Hearing Health, which covers common causes, symptoms, treatments, types of hearing loss, prevention and much more.

Mental Wellbeing at Work

Mental health conditions are real but often invisible and affect around one in four people.

Often mental health problems are described using words that are in everyday use – for example, ‘depression' or ‘anxiety’. Some commonly diagnosed forms are depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), phobias, bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic depression) and eating disorders.

Learn more about mental health wellbeing at work .

Useful links - specialist organizations

These specialist organizations are recognized for having expertise in their particular field. Some are more experienced than others in providing support for employers or in employment/recruitment but all will have some useful information to start you off.

If you would like to be connected to an organization with specific information on a disability or condition not listed here please email us at for some suggested links.

How do we help you?

ClearTalents™ At Work asks you questions about the following key areas which are used to create an informative report that will help identify adjustments or accommodations you may need to do your job to the best of your ability:

  • Communication

  • Pen & paper

  • Computer

  • Workspace

  • Workplace

  • Travel

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